If you currently receive funding from the Frueauff Foundation or you have received confirmation from our office to submit a full proposal based on your letter of inquiry, please submit the Proposal Required Documents via postal mail service or use the CAFF online application link only provided through direct grantee correspondence.

Proposal Deadlines are March 1st and September 1st. NOTE: proposals must be postmarked by March 1st or September 1st. Late proposals are not held over and considered at the next board meeting, a new request must be submitted. When at all possible, please avoid waiting until the deadline. Make it your goal to BEAT the deadline, not MEET the deadline.


The Charles A. Frueauff Foundation does not have a printed application form. Please do not send audio or video tapes.

All grant seekers will receive notification of the Foundation’s decision regarding funding.

The CAFF Board of Trustees meet bi-annually in May and November.

Proposals should be directed to:

Anna Kay Frueauff, Vice President of Communications/Programs

The Charles A. Frueauff Foundation

2102 Riverfront Drive, Suite 102

Little Rock, AR 72202


  • ONE Page Cover Letter which includes all contact information (mailing zip code, telephone number, email and website, if available, amount of request and brief purpose of request.
  • Proposal should include a history of the organization, project description, need for support, objectives and time period.
  • Projected budget, additional funding requested, and/or other funding received.
  • A list of trustees (or directors) and key staff.
  • Most recent audited financial statements.
  • Copy of the latest IRS 501(c)(3) tax exemption letter.